

Membership (M-001)


Our freedoms are under attack to an unprecedented degree from crooked politicians (and their families), Marxist billionaires with deep pockets, the useful idiots of antifa and their ideological comrades, the sycophantic leftist lapdog media, and increasingly censorious social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. It's disgusting. I'm increasingly concerned with the encroaching lawlessness and spiritual poverty of the Left.

So what can we do about it?

We fight.

We have personally been waging daily war against our domestic adversaries here at WMA-GOP Patriots PAC, and the pitch of the battle has increased as we've remained steadfast and tightened our belts more years than not.

Defending Liberty isn't free, but it's worth it.

Our fight is 100% funded by those who firmly believe in our mission. If that's you, please make your contribution today so that we stand strong in the coming year.


Membership is $25, sign up now!

Special WMA-GOP Patriots PAC Membership for 2022.

With a paid Membership in WMA-GOP Patriots PAC, you will receive a personalized plastic Membership Card with the notation of Founding Member 2022. Founding members in 2022 will receive this special Commemorative Membership Card, as well as a 5x7 Membership Certificate.

In addition, 2022 memberships will be current through the year 2022.

Contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contribution exceeds $200 in an election cycle.

By clicking "Donate," I certify that the following statements are true and accurate:

•  I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
•  This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
•  I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
• I am at least eighteen years old. I am not, nor am I making this contribution on behalf of, a corporation, labor organization, national bank, foreign national without a green card, a federal contractor, or any other federally impermissible source.


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(*) Mandatory Option
Our Price : $25.00  yearly

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