

Reject Carbon Taxes (I-003)

Tell Your Legislators to Reject the TCI Carbon Tax 

Dan Allie Coalition to Reject the Carbon Tax:

The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional collaboration of 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States and the District of Columbia that seeks to create a new, broad based source of tax revenue to enable ever-growing Federal and State spending.

The TCI Tax will improve transportation, develop a clean energy economy, and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector by increasing the size of government, and destroying our economy. The effort to slow economic growth and thereby reduce pollution is the Cultural Elites aspiration. The carbon Tax would increase energy prices by design, exacerbating pain at the pump and raising the price of electricity and home heating fuels.

The participating states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia.

The initiative builds on the region's strong Cultural Elite's commitment to another big government regulatory scheme to make Americans feel good about raising energy prices, and feeling good about clean energy issues even though it won't work, and its programs to reduce carbon emissions will result in a regulatory and destructive taxation regime that will hurt American companies and reduce jobs in our communities.

At the same time, the effort underscores the sense of urgency shared by all 13 Cultural Elite jurisdictions, where carbon taxes would be a cure worse than the alleged disease; where there would be a minimal impact on emissions, and will do next to nothing to affect climate change.

In the end, the Cultural Elite will hurt the citizens they claim to help, and they will say "at least we tried...", who know it would be so bad.

Contact the sponsors of this bill and tell them to Reject the Carbon Tax!

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Reject Carbon Taxes

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